Family Handbook 2017-18
People and Program Evenings O en referred to as Curriculum Night, the People and Program Evenings provide parents with an opportunity to learn about the academic program, teacher expecta ons and classroom rou nes that your daughter will experience during the school year. It is an me for parents to meet their daughter’s teachers. There are separate evenings for the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools—all of which are noted on the Veracross calendar. Parent‐Teacher Conferences Two parent‐teacher conferences are scheduled during the school year: one in October and a second in February. During conferences, parents and teachers discuss the academic progress of your daughter(s). Conferences are booked online through pickA me and instruc ons for booking are emailed to parents in advance of the opening date. Parents are also welcome to schedule mee ngs with teachers, Guidance Counsellors, Learning Support Specialists and/or administrators at other mes in the year on an as needed basis. Full Report The purpose of a Full Report is to communicate your daughter’s progress in terms of her academic achievement as well as demonstrated learning skills and work habits. You can expect to read subject‐specific comments from each teacher that contextualize you daughter’s standing. Full reports are provided to parents and students in December and June. Update Report The purpose of an Update Report is to provide parents with a snapshot of a student’s academic achievement in each subject as well as indica ng a student's demonstrated learning skills and work habits to that point in me. Teachers are not required to write comments on Update Reports. However, depending on the circumstances, comments may be wri en to expand upon the learning skills descrip ons or provide more context for the current academic standing noted on the report. An Update Report is provided to parents and students in April. Report Cards Wri en reports at Havergal take two forms: an Update Report or a Full Report.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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