Family Handbook 2017-18
Academic Tutors Havergal students learn best with their own subject teachers. Occasionally, some students may need to be supported by an outside academic tutor. In such cases families are responsible for finding their own tutors and arranging for tutoring session off‐school property. Because Havergal is the physical home to our Boarding students while they are at school they are permi ed to have their tutors work on the school property. Assessment The primary purpose of student assessment is to improve student learning. Like every Ontario public and independent school, Havergal’s assessment and evalua on prac ces are aligned to the guidelines outlined in the Ministry of Educa on’s Growing Success: Assessment, Evalua on and The Ministry also acknowledges that teachers’ professional judgements are at the heart of effec ve assessment prac ces and Havergal’s teachers work hard to ensure that assessment strategies and evalua on rubrics are developed to challenge students appropriately at every grade. For example, our teachers work in curriculum teams with a designated ‘Course Lead’ to design unit and lesson plans that extend and enrich the Ministry’s curriculum. Moderated marking is another way that teachers ensure they are applying the same standards and rigour when evalua ng student work. Assessment and evalua on is an important element of teaching and learning at every grade. Please direct any ques ons you may have about your daughter’s assessment experience directly to the teacher. As students progress through the school, our expecta on is that they direct any ques ons or concerns they have about the marks they receive directly to their subject teacher. Assessment Guidelines 1. Students will not be subject to assessments the day following a scheduled school break or holiday. This policy has been developed so that students are able to spend this me in leisure rather than studying for an assessment. 2. Assessments and evalua ons take place throughout the school year during class and occasionally outside of class like (such as a Drama performance). Repor ng document, which can be accessed at the link below: h p://
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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