Family Handbook 2017-18
Gator Day In the Junior School, Gator Day takes place at the end of the year and is a me for Houses to par cipate in ac vi es and games. Gator Day in the Upper School is scheduled in early September as a kick off to House spirit.
Grade 6 Celebra on At the end of the school year, families and their daughters in Grade 6 a end a special celebra on honouring the me the students have spent in the Junior School.
Gradua on (Upper School) Following June examina ons, Havergal celebrates the academic achievements of its Senior Year at Gradua on. Senior Year family members are invited to a end and share in this special occasion as the graduates conclude their years at the school. Grandpals’ Day Students are encouraged to invite a grandparent or special adult friend to visit their school on Grandpals’ Day. In the Upper School, this special day is held in conjunc on with Remembrance Day Services. It is a special spring event on the Junior School calendar. Harvest Fes val (Junior School) This service is held each year on the last school day before the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Parents are invited to a end this event, held in Brenda Robson Hall in the Upper School. Each girl is asked to bring an offering of non‐perishable food, which are collected and sent to the North York Harvest food bank. Tea and coffee are served for guests immediately following the service. Havergal Networking Events These events provide an excellent opportunity for Old Girls working in specific fields, or those exploring new opportuni es, to meet others in the same profession and to make new connec ons. Past networking events have included the disciplines of law, the arts and medicine.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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