Family Handbook 2017-18
Closing Ceremony (Junior School) The conclusion of each school year is celebrated on the last morning of school in June.
Co‐Curricular Fests (Upper School) Club Fest and Community Partnership Fest occur during lunch in late September or early October. Representa ves from all clubs, community partners and co‐curricular ac vi es set up booths to inform and invite interested student par cipants to join.
Coffee Mornings Hosted by the Grade Reps, these mornings provide an opportunity for parents to meet one another, learn about the school and build rela onships within their daughter’s grade.
Connec on Prayers (Upper School) Connec on Prayers is a student‐led Prayers that celebrates two unique popula ons of students within the Upper School: (1) Survivors are those students who have a ended Havergal College for at least 12 consecu ve years , and (2) Sisters are those sibling students — the eldest of which is in Grade 12 — that a end the Upper School. Parents of these girls o en a end this fun and emo onal event.
Father Daughter Dance (Upper School) Organized by the Havergal College Parent Associa on (HCPA), the Father Daughter Dance is held in the winter term for students in Grades 7 to 12 and their fathers (or father figures).
Founders’ Day Founders’ Day is an annual event that celebrates the laying of the cornerstone of the Upper School in 1926. The event takes place in the school’s first parish church, St. Paul’s Bloor Street. The Founders’ Day Service is generally held on April 23, but may be held on a school day close to this date if it falls on a weekend or holiday. It is compulsory for students from Grades 1 to 12 to a end. Parents, Old Girls and former staff are also invited.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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