Family Handbook 2017-18
Havergal Celebra ons and Special Events
Awards Ceremony (Upper School) The Upper School Awards Ceremony is held annually in October. It recognizes the academic, character and leadership achievements of students in Grades 7‐11 from the previous school year. The ming of the event allows for students’ final examina on results (which are wri en in June of the previous school year) to be considered in the awarding of academic prizes. Parents of students being acknowledged at the Awards Ceremony will be informed in advance so that they can plan to a end. In most cases, award recipients are unaware of the honour un l the ceremony. Candlelight Ceremony (Grades 11 & 12) A longstanding tradi on at Havergal College, Candlelight is a symbolic passing of the torch from soon‐to‐be graduates to the grad class of the following year. Taking place on the evening before Gradua on, each Grade 11 student receives her Grad Belt from a gradua ng student marking the change of leadership from one class to the next. Carol Service & Christmas Concerts The Upper School hosts a Carol Service at the school’s first parish church, St. Paul’s Bloor Street, modelled a er the service of “Nine Lessons and Carols” from King’s College in Cambridge, UK. In the Junior School, there are Christmas concerts hosted on campus. Celebra on Saturday Weekend Tradi onally held in the early fall before Thanksgiving and in conjunc on with the Old Girls Reunion Weekend, Celebra on Weekend brings together the en re school community for ac vi es, games and opportuni es to build connec ons with, and support for, our community partners in the city and beyond. This is a unique event as students, faculty, staff, parents, Old Girls, friends and neighbours of the school work and play together while developing a sense of our community spirit and an awareness of others in the greater community. Through the House system, students organize and carry out various ac vi es. There are many opportuni es for parents and Old Girls to be involved as volunteers for the day. Students in Grades 4‐12 are expected to a end the Saturday morning event.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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