Family Handbook 2017-18
9. Private music teachers will charge a rate that is published on the Applica on for Private Music Instruc on and consistent for all private music teachers. 10. Private music instructors will manage all billing‐related ma ers with the parents of Day Students including invoicing, receipt of payment and the provision of a Canada Revenue Agency receipt for the “Children’s Arts Tax Credit.” Billing instruc ons for Boarding Students will be coordinated with the Head of Boarding School. 11. Students receiving a scholarship for private music instruc on will be billed in a manner that is consistent for all students. The private music instructor will bill parents for the full amount of the instruc on and receive payment from parents for the full amount of the invoice. Havergal will credit the student’s school account with the value of the scholarship. Student Instrument Rental (Op onal) The Junior and Upper School Music Departments require all students par cipa ng in an instrumental ensemble to acquire an instrument for the school year. Parents have three choices in the acquisi on of a musical instrument for their daughter:
1. Sign an “Instrument Loan Agreement” from Havergal College 2. Rent from a reputable music dealer 3. Purchase an instrument
Members of the Music Department would be pleased to offer advice in the rental or purchase of instruments. If you decide to make use of a Havergal College instrument, we will supply your daughter with a top quality instrument and will take care of all the necessary paperwork and repairs throughout the school year. Grade 7 and 8 students will not be charged for this rental unless there are numerous repairs that need to be made. All families will be asked to sign an “Instrument Loan Agreement.” Upper School students in band or strings, needing to borrow a Havergal Instrument will be charged $175 for the en re school year or $75 for Percussion students. An “Instrument Loan Agreement” will also be signed by US students.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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