Family Handbook 2017-18
Private Music Lessons (Op onal) Havergal has facili es to support private music instruc on. The school’s Music Program is enhanced by students who engage in music instruc on beyond the academic program at school. Students and parents appreciate the convenience of having private instruc on at school. The instruc on is of a high quality and taught by instructors whose qualifica ons and experience has been reviewed by Havergal College’s Music Department. The decision for your daughter to take private lessons should be considered very carefully as it requires though ul family planning regarding the scheduling of a weekly lesson. Lesson mes cannot be easily changed. Addi onally, it is prudent to consider a one‐year commitment as the teacher will require this me‐frame in order to become acquainted with your daughter’s learning styles and full talent poten al. Protocol for Private Music Using Havergal Facilities 1. Faculty members of the Havergal College Music Department will screen private music instructors. Only approved instructors may work with Havergal students at Havergal College. 2. Private music instructors using Havergal facili es will instruct only students enrolled at Havergal. 3. Private music instructors will sign in and sign out at the Security Desk in the Upper School. 4. Private music instructors will restrict their use of the Havergal facili es space dedicated to music instruc on including: ● Private music lesson rooms in the Junior School (two spaces). ● Private music lesson rooms in the tower of the Upper School or as designated by members of the Havergal College Music Department. 5. Private music instruc on may only take place on school days during the following me restric ons: ● 6:30 to 8 am ● lunch ● a er school to 7 pm 6. No private music instruc on may take place on weekends or school holidays. 7. Private music instructors will maintain up‐to‐date contact informa on with parents. 8. Private music instructors will coordinate all lessons with students including cancella ons and make‐up lessons.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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