Family Handbook 2017-18
House Shout The whole school gathers on the Upper Pitch to share their House and school spirit. The Junior School Prefects teach the girls a special “Junior School Cheer,” which is prac ced and performed for all students, faculty and staff. Upper School students then compete in their various Houses with specially‐cra ed and choreographed cheers.
Music Nights (Upper School) The Upper School holds several performances and concerts throughout the year, including the Band & Strings Night (fall) and two Music Nights (spring).
Spring Concert (Junior School) The Junior School holds a concert in the Spring for students in JK and SK. This event takes place during the school day. There is another Spring Concert for students in Grades 1–6, that takes place in the evening. Upper School House Mee ngs & Events Students and faculty in the Upper School (Grades 7–12) meet weekly together in one of 10 designated Houses to build House spirit, contribute to school ini a ves and celebrate House‐related accomplishments. House intramurals run at scheduled lunch mes. House mee ngs and intramural ac vi es are led by the House Captains and the House Execu ves, with the support of the House Advisors. No ces and themed designs are posted on House Bulle n Boards. Each House has a designated room or space in the Upper School as well as a designated outdoor loca on for their House gatherings.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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