Family Handbook 2017-18
● length of skirts and shorts must reach to finger ps of extended arms.
Students not adhering to the dress code will be asked to change or wear a school T‐shirt provided by the school’s teacher/supervisor. If the student does not wish to change or wear the clothing provided, they may go home (with parental permission) or sit in a designated area un l the ac vity is over. Behaviour Code for All COSSOT Events Appropriate behaviour is expected of all students at all mes. The following is a list of behaviours expected from all students a ending a COSSOT event: ● Be civil and kind with your remark. Always converse in a mature and responsible way. ● Always be mindful, courteous and considerate of others. ● It is of the utmost importance that you learn to take responsibility for yourself and your ac ons. Remember, you are an ambassador for your school. If there is a behaviour problem, the staff supervisor in a endance from his/her school will make a decision regarding consequences or any discipline required. Dance Guidelines and Expecta ons Many COSSOT events are dances and this type of event requires specific guidelines and student expecta ons. ● Par cipa ng schools are predetermined by COSSOT Middle School Coordinators/Middle School Heads. ● Each par cipa ng school will distribute permission forms with details for the dance in advance. ● Each par cipa ng school is allo ed a limited number of par cipants and each school determines how individuals will be selected. ● Students may not invite personal guests to COSSOT Middle School dances. ● Students who are on the list but not able to a end the dance must inform their school coordinator/Head prior to the event if possible. ● The list of students who purchased ckets will be at the entrance to the dance and only these students will be allowed to a end the dance. NOTE: We are concerned about your child’s safety—if a student shows up at a dance whose name is not on the list, their parent(s) will be contacted immediately. If parents cannot be reached then the student will go to a supervised room and remain there un l parents can be contacted or the dance ends.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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