Family Handbook 2017-18
COSSOT Events The Coali on of Single Sex Schools of Toronto (COSSOT) is made up of 11 independent schools in the Greater Toronto area. Interschool co‐curricular ac vi es organized by staff and student leaders are communicated through the Assistant Heads at each school in order to respect the programs, dates and procedures of the different schools. In all cases, when a guest at another school, Havergal students are expected to uphold the Havergal College Code of Conduct and represent Havergal College admirably. Middle School Social Events In planning these events, one of the objec ves at the Middle School level is to provide opportuni es for students to meet and socialize with other students from a variety of schools. The number of students able to a end each event varies and, as a result, each par cipa ng school is allo ed a predetermined number of spots. O en, we have more interest than spots. Therefore, we must place limits on the number of girls who a end. Effort is made to ensure that each girl is able to a end at least one event, if she so chooses. All students are able to a end the dance held at Havergal College. Permission Forms All students in Grade 7 and 8 require parental/guardian permission in order to a end a COSSOT event. The privilege of a ending a COSSOT event depends upon students taking responsibility for picking up and returning a completed permission form as well as adhering to expecta ons of COSSOT in terms of dress and behaviour at events. Permission forms will be made available via email to students and in the Middle School Office prior to each event and should be returned to the same office by the deadline stated on each permission form.
Dress Code for All “Non‐Uniform” COSSOT Events The standard of dress is “Smart Casual,” which does not include: ● sweatpants; ● ripped pants or tops;
● undergarments showing; ● pants worn below the hips; ● midriff showing; ● spaghe strap/low cut top/halter top/tank top/tube top (students must cover shoulders);
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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