Family Handbook 2017-18
● Once the dance has started there is a closed‐door policy and par cipants are not allowed to re‐enter the dance a er leaving. ● No knapsacks are allowed into the dance area. ● No food or drink allowed into the dance area. ● No cellphones or cameras allowed in the dance area. You are welcome to use both in a public space outside of the dance area. ● Any dancing deemed to be inappropriate by the supervisors will result in the student being sent home from the dance. Senior School Social Events In planning these events, one of the objec ves at the Senior School level is to provide opportuni es for students to meet and socialize with other students from a variety of schools. These events are supervised by Havergal College faculty and staff when the event takes place on the Havergal campus. Other events, held at other independent schools or at outside venues, are supervised by the host school. Permission forms are not required for Senior School COSSOT events, but Havergal students are required to sign up in advance for a endance and billing purposes. These events are typically billed to student accounts. COSSOT Dance Protocol for Senior School Students The Coali on of Single Sex Schools of Toronto (COSSOT) works coopera vely to support and host dances as an opportunity for our students to socialize safely with students from other independent schools. Parents and the Grade 9 to 12 student (and her guest when hos ng at Havergal College) who wish to par cipate in a COSSOT dance must agree to adhere to the COSSOT Dance Protocol and work coopera vely with all COSSOT schools to ensure a safe and secure dance event for everyone. Dance Protocol for all COSSOT Schools: 1. Tickets will be sold in advance and not at the door. Each school selling ckets for a dance will: a. fax or email a list of students who have bought ckets to the host school no later than 3 pm on the day of the dance; b. have students arriving at the dance sign in on the sheet sent in by their school and be prepared to show photo ID if required. 2. Dances will begin between 7:30 and 8 pm, and end no later than 11:30 pm.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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