Boarding School Handbook 2023-24
Expectations for Cleanliness: Before leaving the Boarding School each day, all students must: ● make their beds; ● clear the floor of all articles of clothing, shoes, books and paper; ● clear/organize desk and dresser surfaces; ● ensure all valuables are in their closet and the closet is locked; ● turn off all lights, radios, cell phones and electronics; ● open blinds; and ● tidy bathroom surfaces and hang bath towels on hooks provided. Students are responsible to ensure that rooms are kept tidy. At least once per week, rooms will be cleaned thoroughly by the Housekeeping Staff. Room Expectations for Long Weekend and Holiday Closures During closures, students will be provided with a room checklist to be completed prior to their departure. Thorough cleaning and facility maintenance occurs during this time, requiring soarding rooms to be accessible to Housekeeping and Facilities staff. Students will be required to remove all bedding and clear all surfaces. Belongings must be stowed in closets, dressers and drawers prior to the student's departure. All valuable items are to be stored in closets, which must be locked. June Closing and Room Clearing Graduates must have all belongings packed and moved out of Boarding by 6 pm the day of graduation. Graduating students are not permitted to store belongings at the school over the summer. Following their final exam, students in Grades 9 and 10 will be required to move out of the Boarding School 48 to 72 hours after their last exam. Returning students may store no more than two bins of personal belongings in the Boarding School over the summer. Students who wish to store belongings will be provided with two storage bins. Due to limited storage space, students will not be allowed to leave any articles that do not fit into the two bins provided. Students who require more time in the Boarding School after their last exam must seek the permission of the Head of Boarding. All rooms must be completely free of students’ belongings, garbage, posters, school books, library books, electronic equipment, etc., upon departure in June. ALL tape and blue tack must be removed from the walls. Failure to comply with this request results in a room deposit charge of $100 to the student’s account. Common Rooms There are three common room areas and two kitchenettes in the Boarding School. Students are responsible for keeping these spaces clean. This includes washing any items. Students may store their personal purchased food in the refrigerators. They must label all items with their name and the date. The refrigerators
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