Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Section 8: Rooms and Facilities

Student Rooms Rooms are checked by the Boarding Team on a weekly basis for cleanliness. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a clean and tidy room. In order to maintain safety and security, students are required to keep their doors closed and locked when they are not in their rooms. It is the responsibility of students to always have their swipe card and room key on them at all times. Students should not lend their swipe cards or keys to other students for any purpose. The student's account will be charged $25 (per item) if their swipe card or key needs to be replaced. Students are also required to take care of the furnishings and fixtures in their rooms. Damage to rooms or room furnishings (including graffiti) will be repaired at their expense. Students are asked not to rearrange furniture in their rooms without obtaining permission and assistance from staff. Students may decorate their rooms with posters and pictures. All posters must be put up with blue tack so the paint and walls will not be damaged. Scotch tape, masking tape and thumbtacks are not allowed. Command strips are allowed for hanging objects. For the safety of the entire community, a student’s room may be entered and searched by staff if the safety of the Boarding community is at risk. A student may or may not be in attendance when this happens. There is to be no drug or alcohol paraphernalia in rooms or in pictures or posters of any kind. Any materials deemed offensive or inappropriate will be removed. Vaping and vaping products are strictly prohibited on campus at ALL times.

Boarding School Student Handbook 2023-24


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