Boarding School Handbook 2023-24

Weekend Curfew The weekend starts at 3:30 pm on Friday. Friday and Saturday evening curfews are listed below by grade. Students must return by their appointed curfew, unless special permission has been granted by the Head of Boarding. For all students , Sunday curfew is 5 pm. Note that there is mandatory study on Sunday from 6 to 8 pm for all students. *Students can request extended time off-campus in advance with the Boarding School Staff, but will require parental approval for leaves longer than 8 hours.

If students find themselves out alone after curfew and with no way to get back to school, the Boarding School staff will come via taxi to pick them up and return to school with them.

Leaves Leaves will be granted at the discretion of the Boarding School Staff, depending on the current state of health, academic standing and behaviour of each student. For example, if a student has been ill, if there are academic concerns or if behaviour is an issue, leaves may be denied. Students must follow proper sign out procedures before a leave will be granted. If students are continually late to return on their leaves, they may have their leave privileges suspended for a period of time. Students are expected to be present for dinner and study Sunday through Thursday, unless permission has been given by Boarding Staff. Students must sign out from the Boarding School Office whenever they leave the building by the REACH application and a face-to-face check-in with the Staff on Duty. They must sign back in with the Staff on Duty in the BSO immediately upon their return. For your safety, it is important that the BSO is aware of student whereabouts at all times. Students must alert the Boarding School Staff should they plan to leave the Boarding School to visit other areas of the school. Students wishing to go to the gym, Rotunda, front doors, etc., or to visit with friends on the school grounds must advise Boarding Staff in advance of leaving the Boarding School and change their location on the REACH application. Overnight Leaves All students are expected to be in Boarding Sunday to Thursday overnight. Students may request special overnight leave Sunday to Thursday with a parent or guardian. Overnight requests should be submitted through REACH for weekends no later than Wednesday night prior to the weekend. Permission may also be given by phone to the Boarding School Office (Ext. 6522) or to the staff by email ( Please note that students are not permitted to stay overnight with anyone under the age of 21.


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