Return to Campus Parent & Student Handbook
Upper School FAQ
What should a student do if they do not feel well before school? ● It is important that all students who are not well stay home. ● Complete the daily COVID-19 screening tool even if your child is not coming to school. ● If your child has any symptoms associated with COVID-19, please ensure that these are identified on the screening tool. ● If there are any COVID-19 risks or symptoms identified on the tool, you will be contacted by a Havergal school nurse for advice regarding testing and follow-up. ● Consult the Havergal College COVID-19 Screening and Return to School Protocol that is automatically sent upon completion of your screening. ● You can also contact your doctor, Telehealth Ontario or Toronto Public Health if necessary and/or go to a COVID-19 testing centre if your child has suspected symptoms of COVID-19. ● Student absences must be reported immediately to the Day School Office at or 416-482-4723, letting them know why your child is away from school. How is the College supporting physical distancing? ● Students are asked to adhere to physical distancing protocols. This will be challenging, but it is one of the conditions of a safe return to campus. Wherever possible, students are asked to maintain safe distance from anyone else on campus. ● Desks will be spaced in rooms and students are asked to leave them in place. ● Large gatherings will be held by Zoom. ● Students are reminded of the importance of maintaining physical distance with employees. How do students sign in and out if they have an appointment? ● Parents/guardians should aim to schedule appointments at the beginning or end of the school day, as exiting and re-entering campus is not permitted during the day. ● Parents must notify the Day School Office about what time their child will be arriving or leaving campus. Students must go directly to their Form/cohort/class when they arrive and sign in with their teacher. It is essential that the College have accurate records of who is on campus at all times. ● Parents/guardians will need to pick up students at the front of the school, since they are not permitted to enter the building.
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