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Campus Life
● To support clean attire and minimize the need to change for physical activity, Upper School students will choose either the regular or Physical Education uniform, according to what is best for their daily schedule. ● On days when students have Phys. Ed., they are to wear their Phys. Ed. uniform. ● On days when students do not have Phys. Ed., they are to wear their regular Havergal uniform which includes any combination of a golf shirt or turtleneck and a skirt, tunic or dress pants. ● Number One Dress will be reserved for special events and students will be notified well in advance when this attire is required. ● Students should only have one pair of shoes at school, since they will not have access to lockers to store extra clothing or shoes. ● Please see the updated instructions for the daily uniform guidelines . ● Students in JK to Grade 12 are required to wear a well fitting (covers nose and chin, does not gape at the side) face mask at school. ● Students in Grades 4 to 12 are required to wear a medical (non-cloth) mask indoors during the school day. ● A three-layered mask is recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada to improve protection from COVID-19. ● Masks are required to be worn by Upper School students at all times, both inside and outdoors. ● There are only two exemptions to Upper School mask wearing: ○ When students are eating. They must be distanced to remove their mask and when they are done eating the ● We request that parents wear masks and maintain distance during drop-off/pick-up. Your cooperation sets a good example for our students and further curbs the possibility of the spread of COVID-19 or other viruses. ● Information about use and care of masks can be found at Toronto Public Health . mask needs to be put back on promptly. ○ When directed by a Phys. Ed. teacher.
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