Return to Campus Parent & Student Handbook

Water Bottles

● All students must have their own water bottle, clearly labelled with their name, and they must not share their water bottle with others. Squeezable bottles are preferred over metal bottles because they are less likely to spill. There will be no open cups permitted. ● Water bottle filling stations will be available; however, water fountains will be turned off. Students need to maintain 2m distance when waiting for the water filling stations and follow the signage on the floor.


● Each grade will have morning and lunch recess at staggered times throughout the day. This will allow students to safely play outside with their class. Students will rotate through different areas of the campus so they are not always playing in the same spot. ● Students will not be playing with outdoor equipment at this time. ● On rainy days, recess will take place in classrooms.

Lockers and School Supplies

● Every student will be given their own supplies, which will remain in their Homeroom. Students are not permitted to bring supplies from home. ● Students are permitted to bring a backpack to school. These can be kept on the back of chairs ● Students are permitted to keep their coats and boots in their locker or cubby. These areas are closely supervised by teachers, and students have access to them in staggered times so that they are not congregating in large groups.

Drop-Off /Pick-Up and Parking Procedures

● Drop-Off/Pick-Up and Parking Procedures


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