Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
● perform cleaning duties in their shared washrooms and common room areas, when accessible; ● attend and sign in for meals; ● return items and not leave items unattended in common rooms; ● sign out whenever they leave Boarding; ● be in their rooms on time for study at 6 pm; ● call the Boarding cell phone when unable to return to Boarding on time (due to circumstances beyond your control); ● attend all community meetings, family dinners, family events and family meetings; ● not leave keys in doors ● be considerate of others at all times (i.e., no excessive noise or messes in common areas) ● be courteous to others at all times; ● talk on the phone at appropriate times and in appropriate places (i.e., not in common areas, halls); ● do laundry at appropriate times, if you are in an area where laundry is accessible Additional expectations: ● all food in staff and student rooms must be kept in sealed containers; ● students may not charge long distance calls to their accounts (no exceptions); ● no pets are allowed in student rooms; ● no bicycles are permitted in Boarding, but they may be kept locked to the bicycle racks located on the school premises, and used only on the school premises; ● the school will not be held responsible for lost or damaged property; ● students are not permitted to keep a vehicle on school grounds; and ● students must store suitcases in the closets in their rooms (storage spaces on fourth floor will be used by students living on the fourth floor only), Failure to Comply with the Code of Conduct or the Boarding Policies, Procedures and Expectations Progressive discipline is an approach used by the College to address inappropriate incidents and/or behaviours. It makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports and sanctions that builds upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. This may include reminders, review of expectations, detentions, contact with parents/guardians, loss of privileges, written reflection, conflict mediation and resolution, behavioural and/or academic agreements, referral for support services, suspension and expulsion. In general, the severity of punishment and the steps taken by the College will be consistent with the nature and degree of the misbehaviour in relation to the progressive disciplinary approach. Each case will be dealt with individually. No two infractions are exactly alike, nor are the needs of offenders necessarily similar. We to you (Grade 10 and Grade 11 students only); ● respect sign in/sign out procedures; and ● respect curfews and bedtimes.
Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
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