Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
Local Boarders within GTA ● If community infection rates are high (Lockdown), our preference would be for all students to stay in Boarding during these times. ● If community infection rates are lower (Control -Red, Restrict-Orange, Protect-Yellow, Prevent-Green), of either staying in Boarding or returning home. Valuables Boarders are encouraged to leave valuables at home. Purses, wallets and personal belongings of value must be kept locked in bedroom closets at all times. The school will not accept responsibility for lost items if they are not stored in the Boarding Office. Visitors There will be no visitors allowed into Boarding for the Fall Term. Only Boarding students and Boarding staff will be allowed into Boarding.
Work Experience Opportunities These opportunities will not be available for the Fall Term.
Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
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