Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
● pillow (1) ● bed sheets – fitted and flat (twin size) and pillow cases (2 sets) Extras you may want to bring ● camera ● desk lamp and/or bed lamp (to clip to headboard) ● flashlight ● mug, bowl, plate, cutlery (for snacks upstairs in Boarding) ● closet lock (key or combination) ● humidifier * Please ensure that all clothing and personal items are permanently labelled with your child’s name. Face Masks Students are required to bring their own reusable face masks (minimum of five) with them. Students will initially be required to wear a mask whenever they are not in their rooms, as our hallways are too narrow to allow for physical distancing. Once we have completed the first two weeks of the six week quiet life period, students will be able to remove their masks once they return to their Boarding floor. Students will need to wear a mask in the Day School, as per the directives of the Day School. Electrical Appliances Due to the limited number of outlets per room and the residence fire regulations, students must limit the number of small appliances they bring to school. Computers, radios, low wattage hair dryers, curling irons, fans, humidifiers are permitted in rooms. TVs, refrigerators, corn-poppers, kettles, rice makers or other domestic appliances are not permitted in rooms. Lost Room Keys A fee of $60 will be billed to the student’s account for the first lost key and $75 will be billed to the student’s account for the second lost key. Loss of the third key will result in the lock being changed with costs charged to the student’s account. Student accounts will be billed at the end of each school year. Energy Stimulating Beverages Beverages (such as RedBull, Rockstar, Monster, etc.) are not permitted in Boarding, nor may these beverages be purchased and stored for consumption in Boarding. Food Allergies Staff, students, parents and volunteers should refrain from bringing peanuts and other food products containing nuts into the school. Havergal College is nut aware, which means that we can not guarantee the school premises are nut free. Students that are highly allergic to specific food products and food groups need to alert the School Nurse before moving into Boarding. These students must carry an epi-pen with them at all times.
Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
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