Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
Boarding Offices There will be three Dons on duty during Boarding hours. Dons will not be tied to one specific cohort, so will be masked. They will maintain physical distancing (2 m.) from students wherever possible during their on-duty hours. ● One Don will be located in the Boarding Office on the third floor and will be responsible for the Grade 12 cohort. ● One Don will be located in the Chatterbox and will be responsible for the Grade 9 and Grade 10 cohorts. ● One Don will be located in the fourth floor common room and will be responsible for the Grade 11 cohort. Each Don will have an Office Hours Zoommeeting open during their duty hours. Students may make requests of them through this platform. In addition, they may go to the door of their respective Don offices, and speak with the Dons face to face, but are asked not to enter these office spaces at any point. Hawkins Dining Room ● Health regulations require that shoes must be worn at all times. ● No hats, sleepwear or inappropriate clothing may be worn. This is at the discretion of the staff on duty. ● Tables must be cleared and chairs pushed in before leaving the dining room. ● Appropriate behaviour is expected (i.e., a reasonable noise level, good table manners, etc.). ● All meals are compulsory, except for Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast. ● To reduce the number of visitors to the campus and thus to mitigate the spread of the virus, no ordering of offsite food by students will be allowed in the Fall Term. ● All meals must be eaten in the Dining Hall. No food/dishes will be allowed to be brought up to the Boarding floors. Fitness Centre and Swimming Pool The Fitness Centre and Swimming Pool may be available for use depending upon protocols and local community infection rates. Music Tower The Music Tower may be available for use depending upon protocols and local community infection rates. Students who have portable instruments are also able to practise in their rooms. For those studying piano, arrangements will be made to use a piano in the school for virtual lessons and to practise.
Return to Boarding Program Handbook 2020-21
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