Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019


Program Introduction “There is but one ideal for us all, and that the one which you have already learned at school, that comes again and again, the two-fold ideal of the life without and the life within, the striving towards an ever upward grace of character, and the reaching forward to a life and vision greater than your own.” —ELLEN KNOX, LUDEMUS , 1907–08

[t]his morning ritual is a large part of the spiritual life of the school … Firmly rooted in Anglican tradition, the formal portion of Prayers in the Upper School may include a prayer and hymn sung from the Anglican hymn book, in front of the altar. This is often followed by a story or personal reflection that deals with moral issues and values.  The Havergal community is, of course, much more diverse than it was when the school was founded: While many years ago, the school’s population was made up almost entirely of Christian families, today it reflects the larger population of Toronto. A number of families practice Jewish, Hindu and Muslim faiths, among others. This diversity has led to important educational experiences, as students, families and staff have taken the opportunity to educate the school community about traditions and rituals within their own faiths. “There is far more participation in Prayers than there ever was before,” says Brenda Robson, Dean of Students. “Students are anxious to help their peers understand their own ceremonies and rituals.” ( Torch , Fall 2001) Many outside the community have been curious about the significance of Havergal’s Anglican roots and their

An illustration of Junior School students going to Prayers, 1913.

That a student should learn how to live her values is the ideal at the heart of the Havergal mission and, as the words of Ellen Knox make clear, has been since the school’s earliest days. These values are articulated and reinforced in the school’s strategic plans and publications, in its program and in school routines— from the very start of the day. Since Havergal was founded, those values have been the focus of Prayers at both the Junior and Upper Schools. As we know from the following article, written for the Fall 2001 issue of Torch ,


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