Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019

C O - C U R R I C U L U M

Clubs, Publications & Awards Programs

In addition to activities that take students into the larger community, there are very worthwhile ones that take place on campus.


Someone who says, “Join the club” may be suggesting that misery loves company. One need only attend the Upper School’s annual Clubfest to see that “misery” is precisely the wrong word to use. Created in 1991 by Arts and Clubs Prefect Andrea Ou-Hingwan, Clubfest presents “a bustling marketplace atmosphere of displays where students encourage others to join their clubs and seek out new interests of their own.” ( Torch , Fall 2003). Clubs at Havergal do have a very long history, but the philosophy behind them has evolved, as more and more they have come to be seen as providing leadership opportunities. As Brenda Robson recalled for “Engaging passions, pursuits and talents” in the Fall 2003 Torch : “In the beginning, clubs were staff-directed activities. Gradually, the girls themselves started taking leadership of the clubs. Staff encouraged this, because we saw the opportunity for students to have a voice and really learn from the experience of establishing a club and leading

Doll Making,1994.

it.” In the Senior School, students who wish to start a new club must have a staff advisor and submit a written proposal to the Dean of Students. Once approved, the club remains unofficial for the first two years to determine whether it will “stand the test of time,” as Brenda Robson says. After the two-year trial period, the club becomes official. Today, students in the Junior and Upper Schools can take part in weekly activities that provide them with opportunities to expand their worlds, develop valuable


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