Reflections of Havergal: 1994-2019
is clear from “Out of the Cold,” written by Grade 6 student Madeleine Stein and included in the 2007–08 edition of Kneesocks : On Saturday, December 1st, I participated in an event that was very moving. I cooked and served dinner to 150 homeless men and women at the Blythwood Baptist Church. Many of the people there would just smile and nod their heads but there were a few people who showed they were very thankful and happy. For example, there was a man who kept saying, “Bless you for doing this.” I gave him and extra tomato and he kept thanking me a for something as simple as one extra slice of tomato. That made me realize how lucky I am to have three good meals a day. The funny thing is we don’t even think about how hard it would be to be stuck in the cold with no food at all.… It was then that we realized that this could be anyone’s dad. This taught me that our families are very important and how it is so great that we have family members that can always support us with food, shelter, and clothing and, most importantly, love. But for this man’s daughter, that isn’t so realistic. It also made me wonder how he became homeless.” prominent Reform rabbi and liberal activist in the first half of the 20th century, observed that “[v]ision looks outward and becomes aspiration.” To have meaning, however, aspiration must be transformed into action, and action often takes moral courage. As Ann Peel wrote in the Fall 2014 Torch : Moral courage is doing the right thing in the face of your fears. The journey to moral courage is a journey to finding your own integrity … For students at Havergal, gutsy global citizenship forms the continuation of our work on enabling young women to make a difference through an approach that honours our shared humanity as people, our varied perspectives and our work done in partnership. That kind of awakening is the first step toward fundamental change. Stephen Samuel Wise, a
Moral courage, 2014.
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