Havergal's Uncalendar, 2019-20 Academic Year

GRADE 12 AMS4M – Music, Strings, Grade 12, University/ College Preparation 1 CREDIT In your final year of Strings, you will be called upon to lead the ensemble. You will help choose the repertoire and are expected to play a solo or two with the group. Hopefully by now, you’re ready to rock. This class provides you an opportunity to engage your technique to the fullest and explore some amazing music, including studying a wildly varied repertoire. This class also provides an opportunity to specialize in certain genres of music if you like. Some students find they love the Baroque period, others the modern repertoire. But whatever your taste in music, this course will allow you to dig deep and get to know it from many angles. Concert and performance opportunities abound during your final year, and you are expected to take advantage of them. Students enrolled in this course do considerable performing in one or more groups and are expected to participate in Senior Orchestra (Tuesdays, 3:45 to 5 pm and Thursdays, 7 to 8:15 am). Prerequisite: AMS3M – Music, Strings, Grade 11, University/ College Preparation Note: Students not enrolled in the Strings courses but who have experience on a string instrument may audition for any of the performing ensembles. Auditions will be held in September.


GRADE 7 Grade 7 Vocal Music

You sing along to the radio and you find yourself humming a tune as you listen to your iPod. Well then, there’s good news for you! All girls in Grade 7 will take Vocal Music and in this class you will have the opportunity to develop better singing skills and to learn more about your voice. Havergal College is a school that sings together and in the Grade 7 Vocal Program you will learn House Hymns, work together on Carol Service and Founder’s Day repertoire and you will learn basic chords on the ukulele. You will also be invited to sing in the Middle School Choir if you have the time and interest in choral music.

GRADE 8 Grade 8 Vocal Music

Last year you had the opportunity to explore your voice. Some of you learned to sing higher and some explored their alto ranges. It was fun and it was a non-threatening environment. Grade 8 Vocal is the continuation of the Grade 7 course but we will learn more challenging repertoire, learn to sing in two and three parts, and focus on vocal technique and voice development. Students selecting this course will have a full credit Vocal Music course that is scheduled every other day. In Grade 8 Vocal, you don’t have to sing in front of others but, if you wish, you can work on solo repertoire and potentially sing in Prayers or at other Havergal events. The rudiments of theory will be introduced and you will begin the skill of learning to read music along with studying about music through the ages. The Middle School Choir is where you will learn more challenging music and gain valuable sight-reading skills that will prepare you for the Havergal Senior Choir. You will love having the opportunity to sing in Middle School Choir with special performances at Carol Service and Founders’ Day.

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