Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
GRADE 7 Grade 7 Religious Education
Religious education at Havergal is a compulsory, non-credit program for students in Grade 7 and 8. The Religious Education course seeks to examine the structures and paradigms of religions—using Christianity as our template—as an aspect of global capability. Students will understand the religion of people around the world and how it motivates them and forms them in community. The program is objective in its approach to religion and students are encouraged to share their own background and experience of religion with each other in class.
In Grade 7, students learn the stories of the Bible and explore various Biblical themes. The course is structured according to the chronology of the text and the various religious celebrations during the calendar year. Students will engage in challenging questions to guide their exploration of Biblical text and will respond through journaling. By learning these stories, students form a foundation for an understanding of the Western literary canon and the application of biblical principles in daily life.
GRADE 8 Grade 8 Religious Education
In Grade 8, students continue to be familiarized with the constituent parts of the Bible through activity-based learning and collaborative tasks. Students explore the Bible’s purpose and uses, levels of interpretation and socio-historical context. Major biblical personalities are studied to examine a variety of relationships with God and how people’s understanding of the nature of God has changed.
84 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
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