Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
Honours and Distinction Grades 9-11 Honours are achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 80-89.4% based on her six best courses. Distinction is achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 89.5% and better based on her six best courses. Grade 12 Honours are achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 80–89.4% based on her five best courses. Distinction is achieved when a student earns an overall average mark of at least 89.5% based on her five best courses. Course Selection Information Evening In January, parents of Upper School students in Grades 8 to 11 are invited to attend a Course Selection Information Evening. These evenings are hosted by the Guidance Department and Upper School administrators and are intended to assist parents in understanding the many course options and support available to students in choosing a path that is right for each girl. Students and parents can contact their Guidance Counsellors to ask specific questions. It is important that students choose courses wisely, checking for prerequisites and considering their future paths. Parents are asked to check their daughter’s course selection and sign their course selection sheet to acknowledge that the course load is appropriate and they approve of the courses. The school timetable is created based on student course requests. Students who wish to make changes to their course selection after they have handed in their course selection sheet must do so before the timetable is set. If students change their course selection after the timetable has been created, there is no guarantee that it will be possible to make those changes.
6 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
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