Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
Description of School Services
Guidance Department
A Framework for Reporting the Disclosure of Personal Information by Upper School Students It is not uncommon for an Upper School (Grades 7 to 12) student to have a conversation with a Guidance Counsellor, School Nurse, the school Social Worker, a coach or another trusted faculty or staff member in which the student discloses sensitive personal information about herself and/or her family. In so doing, the student might specifically request that the information she discloses not be shared with her parents. While we encourage Upper School students to share important disclosures they might make to faculty and staff about their physical and/or mental health and wellbeing with their parents, it is key that Upper School parents appreciate that capable students have legal rights to their privacy and the confidentiality of their personal information, including personal health information, under applicable laws. When a capable Upper School student discloses personal information to faculty and staff and specifically requests that the conversation and its details remain confidential, it is important for parents to understand that, with the exception of an imminent risk and/or health or safety-related circumstances, the student’s request will be honoured. When a student discloses information to a faculty or staff member about her personal health or safety-related circumstances and the school believes there is an imminent risk to the student or to others, the student’s right to confidentiality will not prevail and the school will comply with its legal duty to report, which, in most cases, would involve immediately contacting the student’s parents. Havergal has outlined steps to manage the kinds of personal disclosures that students can, and do, make to faculty and staff. School administrators and support team members work together, as needed and on a case-by-case basis, to assess a student’s risk to herself and to others and establish a preventative action plan, when necessary. The Principal has a duty to give assiduous attention to the health and comfort of students under the school’s care. Educators have a common law standard of care to act as reasonably careful or prudent parents in the circumstances. Havergal, including its faculty and staff, is required to follow applicable laws and the policies and protocols established by professional organizations, such as the Ontario College of Teachers, that support the care and wellbeing of school-aged children and young adults.
Successful people cultivate resilience and a resolve to face challenges, setbacks and disappointments. As such, the school aims to help girls develop the confidence and fortitude required of them to persevere through difficult times to achieve their goals. The Guidance Department plays an important supporting role in this regard by encouraging students to become advocates for their own learning needs and post-secondary aspirations. The essential role of the Guidance Counsellor is to help our students at every grade to get to know themselves socially, emotionally and intellectually. They work with students to plan their academic course load as well as support students as they navigate social, emotional and intellectual challenges. Students discuss their post secondary plans with their Guidance Counsellor, who provides resources and support. The aim of the Guidance program is to help students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to know themselves, relate effectively to others, develop appropriate educational plans and explore career alternatives. This aim is achieved through individual and small group counselling. The goal is to have students begin the process of personal exploration and develop skills and resources for lifelong learning and career decision-making. Students are encouraged to use the reference material available in the Guidance Office. These resources include university, college and private institution course calendars, aids for study skills, community resources, brochures on a variety of personal topics and CDs and other relevant information on unique experiences and new programs. Guidance Counsellors visit Grades 8-11 classes regarding course selection in January, as well as hold parent information sessions. Individual and small group sessions are also held. The school’s philosophy emphasizes personal responsibility in decision-making. Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that they meet graduation diploma requirements and have the necessary courses for university admission. Guidance Counsellors provide individual support for students with their university entrance applications.
Students and parents are encouraged to contact the Guidance Department for information or assistance at any time.
30 HAVERGAL COLLEGE | Course Calendar 2021–22
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