Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
Learning Skills and Work Habits: C – Consistent : Skill is consistently present, well-established and independent. U – Usually: Skill is usually present and established but student may need reminders or practice S – Sometimes: Skill is sometimes present but student needs support from others N – Not Yet: Skill is not yet established and rarely demonstrate Responsibility: • Fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment.
Organization: • Organizes time, materials and equipment for effective use. • Generally devises and follows a plan and process for completing tasks without assistance. • Manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. • Identifies, gathers and uses information and resources to complete tasks. Examples: • Plans and organizes time, materials and equipment. • Comes to class prepared for learning with appropriate materials. • Establishes priorities and manages time. • Identifies, gathers, evaluates and uses appropriate resources and materials to complete tasks. Collaboration: • Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group. • Works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group goals and to complete projects. • Responds openly to the ideas, opinions, values, rights and traditions of others. • Shares information, resources and expertise, and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions. • Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships. • Builds healthy relationships with adults. Examples: • Learns with others to achieve a group goal and complete projects. • Approaches the opportunity to work and learn from others in a positive manner. • Accepts various classroom roles and responsibilities. • Takes on an equitable share of any group work. • Accommodate others’ needs, adapts and encourages multiple styles. Self-Regulation: • Sets and monitors progress toward own individual goals. • Assesses and reflects on own strengths, needs and interests. • Seeks clarification or assistance when needed. • Respects other people’s property. • Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges. Examples: • Accurately identifies relevant, achievable goals • Reflects critically upon progress and make adjustments as needed. • Enlists social resources (peers, teachers, parents, community) to acquire clarification, feedback or assistance when needed. • Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.
• Takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. • Follows classroom procedures with minimal prompting. Examples: • Arrives to class on time. • Completes and submits class work, homework and assignments on time. • Catches up on missed work.
Independent Work: • Independently monitors, assesses and revises plans to complete tasks and meet goals. • Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks and assignments. • Follows instructions with minimal supervision. Examples: • Stays focused and engaged on tasks. • Follows instructions and expectations. • Works without disturbing others or requiring redirection or support
Initiative: • Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning and has the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks. • Observes, questions and explores new ideas and opportunities for learning. • Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude. • Attempts and participates in a variety of learning activities. • Recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self and others. Examples: • Willing to extend their learning and that of others. • Approaches new ideas, situations and academic tasks with a positive attitude. • Initiates or extends discussions and shares relevant experiences. • Demonstrates a willingness to take a different approach or adopt a different perspective. • Motivated to complete a task.
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