Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
4. You will immediately report any security problems you have identified or something online that makes you uncomfortable, like pornography or messages from strangers or bullies to a College staff member. Do not share the security problem or uncomfortable material to others without checking with your parent/guardian, or College staff member first. 5. If you are issued a device that is owned by the College, you are responsible for the safe-keeping of such device and for any damage caused by abuse or neglect on your part. 6. You will bring your own PED and make sure it is fully charged before the school day begins. 7. You will keep your PED software current, especially operating systems and anti-virus software. 8. You will not use any PED for unauthorized use. Unauthorized use includes but is not limited to: a. Transmitting school materials for unethical purposes, such as cheating. b. “Leaking” or whistleblowing College policies, test materials, school materials, or confidential information belonging to the College. c. Any activity which may be in violation of the Havergal College Code of Conduct or other College rules. d. Using a PED to connect to the College network to do anything not otherwise permitted on College Technology, or on the premises of the College. 9. You will carefully apply your digital learning and only click on buttons, links, or texts from senders who you know. 10. Washrooms and change rooms are spaces where usage of College Technology or PEDs is forbidden. 11. You will not take, share, or publish digital images, video or audio recordings of people by any means without their written permission. This includes recording of teacher lessons and temporary recordings made and shared on mobile applications such as Snapchat. 12. You will not use any digital content (e.g. documents, slides, photos, videos, audio recordings, etc.) and/or personal information for inappropriate purposes. 13. You will not submit, publish, transmit or willingly receive any defamatory, inaccurate, harassing, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, offensive or illegal material. 14. You will not install or modify any hardware or software (including music, videos and games) on any College Technology without the permission of the College’s Information Technology Department. 15. You will not knowingly introduce a virus or other malware into the College network. 16. You will not tamper with, or ‘hack’ into, any College Technology or another student’s PED to gain inappropriate access. 17. You will not purposely damage any part of the College’s equipment or network. 18. You will not use College Technology for commercial, ongoing personal business, product advertising, or disruptive purposes.
19. You will not print excessively without prior permission for particular purposes. The College reserves the right to charge your student account if printing has been excessive. 20. You will not violate any patent, trademark, trade name, copyright or privacy laws. You understand that all communications and information accessed through and stored on College Technology and PED connected to the College network are not considered private and may be accessed by a College administrator at any time. You understand that the College will take appropriate action for incidents involving inappropriate use of technology that affect a member or members in our community. For incidents involving illegal activity, the Police will be contacted. Havergal College Administration Rights and Responsibilities 1. The College shall not be responsible for the theft, loss or damage to PEDs brought to College premises by a student. 2. If a student corrupts or damages College Technology through improper usage, the student or their parent/guardians will be obligated to pay the damage fine. All parents and students of the Havergal community are responsible for following the letter and spirit of the Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement. Any breaches of this Agreement may be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in the Havergal College Code of Conduct. Note to Parents: Students who are not on campus must make arrangements to ensure they can access Havergal resources, which include Google for Education. It is your responsibility to a) review the local policies of the government where you intend to access Havergal resources to ensure access is permitted, and b) make the necessary arrangements so that Havergal resources are accessible to you and your child.
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