Havergal College Course Calendar, 2021-22 Academic Year
4 Procedures Failure to Comply with the Havergal College Code of Conduct All members of the College community are responsible for observing both the letter and the spirit of the Code of Conduct. The College reserves its right to apply a full range of sanctions to any offence committed by a student, or any member of the Havergal College community. Progressive Discipline Policy establishes the framework to build, support and maintain a positive College climate promoting positive student behaviour. The Investigation and Intervention Procedure outlines the steps that the College will take when there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct or relevant policies. Review The Code of Conduct will be reviewed for possible revisions every two years. Havergal College will continue to solicit input from the Board of Directors, parents, employees and students in the review process. 5 Resources Related Policies, Protocols and Supporting Documentation • Acceptable Use of Technology • Academic Honesty • Parent Concern Policy • Family Handbook • Harassment Policy • Media Consent • Policy on Reporting Abuse and Neglect of Students • Restrictions on Cannabis Policy • Failure to Comply with the Code of Conduct • Programs for Students on Long-Term Suspensions and Expulsions • Social Media Policy • Video Surveillance Policy
Employees shall also assist the Principal in maintaining close cooperation with the College community and establishing and maintaining consistent disciplinary practices in the College. In addition, employees will assist the Principal by reporting incidents and assisting the Principal in conducting an investigation. Students Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must demonstrate respect for themselves, for others and for the responsibilities of citizenship through acceptable behaviour. Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student: • comes to the College prepared, appropriately dressed, on time and ready to learn; • adhere to College uniform or dress code rules; • shows respect for herself, her peers and all members of the College community; • refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety and wellbeing of others; and • complies with all published College rules, codes of conduct, agreements, policies and frameworks. Parents and Guardians Parents and Guardians play an important role in the education of their children and have a responsibility to support the efforts of College employees in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students. Parents and Guardians fulfill their role when they: • are engaged in their child’s College programs and progress; • communicate regularly and respectfully with the College; • help their child be appropriately dressed and prepared for school; • ensure that their child attends school regularly and on time; • promptly report to the College their child’s absence or late arrival; • become familiar with the College rules and the College’s Code of Conduct; • encourage and assist their child in following the Code of Conduct and school rules; and • assist and support College staff in addressing disciplinary issues involving their child.
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