Family Handbook 2024-25


Student-Led Events and Initiatives

The primary purpose of student-led events is to enhance mission-relevant student learning.

Guidelines for approval will: 1. reduce duplication; 2. improve collaboration among students; 3. provide an opportunity for new ideas and events (that might be perceived as conflicting with a long-standing event); and 4. ensure that the purpose of existing events remains relevant. Event guidelines (below) also provide an opportunity for a coherent, consistent review of student-led events at Havergal College. Students interested in proposing an event/initiative should be prepared to speak to: 1. Alignment with the school’s mission and values. 2. The strength of the learning opportunity. 3. Events already taking place—can they be merged, enhanced, etc. 4. Availability of a Teacher/Staff supervisor and any other support needed. 5. Logistics, timing and organizational capacity. Junior School students will submit proposals to the Assistant Head of Junior School through the student suggestion box, an appointment request or by email. A meeting will be held to discuss what the idea is and if it is feasible to implement. If passed, the Assistant Head of Junior School will present the idea to the Head of the School, who will provide final approval. The idea is then communicated to the school community through announcements in Prayers. Upper School students should submit a proposal to the Forum for Change, which will be presented to the Student Life Committee, led by VP, Student Life and Wellbeing. The Student Life Committee will review and approve the proposal, if appropriate. The purpose is to ensure the proposal is feasible within the timeframe and budget; to see if there is a duplicate proposal; and to explore how the proposal might be taken up by the school. All of this is to support the learning of the students through the process. Guidelines


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