Family Handbook 2024-25
Student Leadership
Havergal recognizes that leadership comes in many forms and expressions. We ensure that each student in the school has leadership opportunities. It is our responsibility to prepare students for leadership, help them identify their strengths and learn to lead from those strengths in order to develop their skills to be successful, effective leaders. Junior School Student Leadership Havergal’s values and mission are foundational to the leadership skills developed in the Junior School. Students are provided with numerous opportunities, both formal and informal, to both learn about, and practise different leadership skills and attributes. These opportunities allow students to better understand the value of teamwork, effective communication and decision-making. Moreover, whether it is delivering a message in Prayers, organizing House Meetings or identifying an issue that they would like to address, empowering students to express their ideas, respect diverse perspectives and collaborate with others is critical to our leadership program in the Junior School. Upper School Student Leadership Each student leadership opportunity has a different purpose and sphere of influence. It is through these roles that student voice is surfaced and heard by the school. In their own way, each role contributes to serving the school and community through responsible action, active listening, collaboration and co-operation with Havergal faculty and administration. House Captains are Grade 12 leaders who are elected by students in their Houses. These elected leaders represent each of the 10 Houses with pride and spirit as they guide members of their Houses through traditional and collaborative events such as House Shout. They are responsible for weekly programming to build connection and community within their House. House Council Each House has a Council composed of the House Advisor (faculty) and elected student representatives from Grades 9 to 11. The Council meets regularly each month to address House business and plan meetings and activities. Opportunities include: House Captains
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