Family Handbook 2023-24
Report Cards and Parent-Teacher Conferences
The school year is considered one academic period rather than a series of discrete terms. The school communicates with parents through parent-teacher conferences and report cards. If you have questions about your child’s report card, please reach out to her teacher. Update Report Card Grades 1 to 12 The purpose of an Update Report is to provide parents with a snapshot of a student’s academic achievement in each subject as well as indicating a student's demonstrated learning skills and work habits to that point in time. Teachers are not required to write comments on Update Reports. However, depending on the circumstances, comments may be written to expand upon the learning skills descriptions or to provide more context for the current academic standing noted on the report. Full Report Card Grades 1 to 12 A full report card is written in December and June. The purpose of a full report card is to communicate your daughter’s progress in terms of her academic achievement as well as demonstrated learning skills and work habits. You can expect to read subject-specific comments from each teacher that contextualize your daughter’s standing. Full Report Cards are available online. More detailed information on assessment is outlined in the section on Assessment Guidelines. Kindergarten Report Cards The Kindergarten program has been organized around four “frames” or broad areas of learning that align with the ways children’s learning naturally occurs and focus on aspects of learning that are critical to young children’s development. During each of the three reporting periods, teachers will comment on student key learning in each of the frames. Specialist teachers in French, Health and Physical Education, Art and Music will comment separately on the key learning they are seeing in their classes. The Kindergarten Update report in October provides initial observations of your child and describes how well your child has adapted to the JK or SK classroom routines. The Kindergarten report cards in December, April and June report on each child’s key learning in each of the four frames and specialist areas. An Update Report is provided to parents and students as an online document. Parents are encouraged to download that document for their own records.
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