Family Handbook 2023-24
The following are excerpts from select Academic policies and procedures. Please refer to the Course Calendar to see all of our Academic policies and procedures in detail.
Homework is a learning experience assigned by teachers to enhance and reinforce student learning outside of the classroom. Homework assignments are based on the Ministry of Education’s curriculum expectations and are designed to require no additional teaching outside of the classroom. Academic Tutors Occasionally, some students may need to be supported by an outside academic tutor. In such cases, families are responsible for finding their own tutors and arranging for tutoring sessions off school property. Havergal is the physical home to our Boarding students while they are at school. As such, they are permitted to have their tutors work with them virtually during study periods. Assessment The assessment and evaluation process involves the continual gathering and interpreting of evidence of student learning in a way that promotes a positive learning experience and improves student learning. Teachers’ professional judgments are at the heart of effective assessment, evaluation and reporting of student achievement. Like every Ontario public and independent school, Havergal’s assessment and evaluation practices are aligned to the guidelines outlined in the Ministry of Education’s Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting document. You can access this document at Assessment is an important element of teaching and learning at every grade. Please direct any questions you may have about your daughter’s assessment experience directly to the teacher. As students progress through the school, our expectation is that they direct any questions or concerns they have about the marks they receive directly to their subject teacher.
Please refer to the current Course Calendar for more detailed information on assessment.
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