Family Handbook 2018-19
Progressive Discipline The breach of school rules and policies by students at any grade stand in relation to a progressive discipline approach that is used by Havergal to address inappropriate incidents and/or behaviours. It makes use of a continuum of interventions, supports and sanctions that builds upon strategies that promote positive behaviours. This may include reminders, review of expectations, detentions, contact with parents/guardians, loss of privileges, written reflection, conflict mediation and resolution, behavioural and/or academic agreements, referral for support services, suspension and expulsion. In general, the severity of punishment and the steps taken by the school will be consistent with the nature and degree of the misbehaviour in relation to the school’s progressive disciplinary approach. Each case will be dealt with individually. No two infractions of the Code of Conduct are exactly alike, nor are the needs of offenders necessarily similar. We recognize that each student is a unique individual and that every situation that requires disciplinary action has its own set of extenuating circumstances, which are duly considered in every case. Students who are found to be be in breach of the Code of Conduct will receive a consequence that is age and developmentally appropriate. For students with a psycho‑educational assessment, consequences must be consistent with the students’ strengths and needs reflecting the recommendations articulated in the assessment. It is important to note that in some instances, a student’s breach of the Code of Conduct may be serious enough to warrant the school issuing a suspension or expulsion as a direct consequence of the breach. In these cases, the Principal or designate will be informed.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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