Family Handbook 2018-19
Once assignments are handed in, the teacher will: 1. check to make sure all the assignments have been handed in and follow up directly with students who have not handed in their work; and 2. record behaviour events in Veracross for students who have not handed in work. If a student has missed a deadline, the teacher will: 1. meet with students who have not handed in their work to set a new deadline if appropriate and warranted extension; and 2. inform parents of a missed deadline through email or a phone call, the date of the new deadline and the consequences of that missed deadline is a mark of 0. The school will: 1. identify and discuss with the student and her parents a pattern of missed assessments or repeated extensions, as these are indicative of a more significant issue to be addressed; and 2. reserve the right to limit students from attendance at co‑curricular activities (e.g., school sports, excursions, events) where this a significant academic concern around completion of assessments.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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