Family Handbook 2018-19
Health, Safety and Student Wellness
Your daughter’s health, safety and well‑being are priorities for us and the school can support students health needs best when we have all the necessary information on file. It is therefore essential that you update and revise your daughter(s) health records as warranted. Click here to learn how to update your daughter’s confidential heath profile ( ). Student Support Team (SST) The Student Support Team is a knowledgeable group of Junior School and Upper School faculty and staff who collectively develop and oversee school strategies related to student support, health and student wellness. This team meets regularly to review and improve upon the practices, procedures and initiatives around supporting and nurturing students. The SST welcomes contact from parents and/or students at any time in the year. It is chaired by the VP School Life & Student Wellness. Allergies Several Havergal students, faculty and staff have life threatening allergies. Exposure to even a tiny amount of an allergen can trigger a reaction that could prove fatal within minutes. Havergal College exercises reasonable care to ensure that all persons are safe; however, the school cannot assume responsibility for providing a completely allergen‑free environment. Havergal is an “allergen aware” school. Ensuring the safety of all anaphylactic persons in a school setting and at school‑sanctioned co‑curricular events depends on the cooperation of the entire school community including parents, students, faculty, staff, business and operations personnel and volunteers. We appreciate your sensitive attention to this matter. ● It is the responsibility of students who know they may experience an anaphylactic reaction to carry their own epi‑pen at all times. ● If your daughter develops an allergy at any time during the calendar year, it is essential that you either contact the School Nurse or update your daughter’s health information online.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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