Family Handbook 2018-19
● Learning Skills and Habits: Teachers assess six learning skills and work habits on an ongoing basis and collect evidence that will allow them to indicate the consistency with which a student demonstrates them in class. These are noted on both Update and Full Report Cards. Targeting specific learning skills and work habits as areas for improvement will positively impact your daughter’s academic success. ● Grades: Report card grades are determined by examining all of a student’s assessment data to date, looking at the most consistent level of performance with more focus on more recent evidence. The assessment picture usually changes throughout the year as students have more assessments and the pattern in their understanding becomes clearer. Grades are documented as levels on all Junior School report cards and as percentages on all Upper School report cards. Course Selection Information Evening In January, parents of Upper School students in Grades 8 to 11 are invited to attend a Course Selection Information Evening. These evenings are hosted by the Guidance Department and Upper School administrators and are intended to assist parents in understanding the many course options and the support available to students in choosing a path that is right for each girl. Online Parent Directory Confidentiality Agreement All new and returning families must sign the Online Parent Directory Confidentiality Agreement during the registration process in February of each year as part of the re‑enrolment procedure. It grants Havergal College permission to release your household information within the Havergal community, including your home address, home telephone number and primary email address. Parents have the ability to update their household information online, as well as selecting what information they want published in the Online Parent Directory for other parents to see. As part of the Havergal community, parents adhere to the school’s confidentiality agreement regarding personal data with respect to privacy laws, including access and use of information on the Online Parent Directory: they agree to keep confidential the information, materials and knowledge to which they are privy and agree not to use/circulate/share any of this information for any reason or gain of any other kind. They also agree to only use the Online Parent Directory information for school‑related purposes. Parents found to be acting in a way that is not in keeping with this agreement will receive a warning for the first incident and will be blocked from access to the Parent Portal for repeated infractions. More detailed information on assessment is outlined in the section on Assessment Practices.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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