Family Handbook 2018-19
Upper School Uniform Grades 7 to 12
#1 Dress (worn every Thursday and on special occasions and may be worn any day) ● blazer + kilt or black pants + short sleeve or long sleeve dress shirt + tie + black modesty shorts + green knee socks + black lace‑up Oxfords
Please note that on #1 Dress days, students are expected to be in #1 Dress throughout the entire school day.
All Other Days any combination of: ● short or long sleeve golf shirt or turtleneck or dress shirt with tie + kilt or tunic or black pants + green knee socks or green tights optional: ● sweater or green ¼ zip (not to be worn with tunic)
Physical Education ● green crested shorts or gym leggings + white crested shirt or Cel Sat t‑shirt ● Havergal swimsuit optional: ● Havergal fleece track pants ● Havergal hoodie or Havergal team suit
Grade 12 Grad Hoodies ● Grade 12 students are permitted to wear their Grad hoodies on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Grad hoodies cannot be worn on Thursdays (#1 Dress day) or any other special #1 Dress days. ● Grade 12 students do not need to wear another shirt under the Grad hoodie. However, students must have a school‑issued uniform shirt in their locker in the event that their teacher requests that they take their hoodies off (for example, during a science lab that requires short sleeves). ● Grade 12 students are expected to keep their hoodies clean and tidy at all times. Stained or torn hoodies will not be permitted.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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