Family Handbook 2018-19
Junior School Uniform (JK–Grade 6) Junior Kindergarten to Grade 4:
#1 Dress (worn every Thursday; on special occasions and may be worn on any day): ● tunic + long sleeve dress shirt + tie + black modesty shorts + green knee socks or green tights + black velcro shoes or black lace‑up Oxfords. All other days any combination of: ● short or long sleeve golf shirt or turtleneck or dress shirt with tie + junior skirt or dress pants optional: green sweater or green ¼ zip (not to be worn with tunic) Physical Education ● green gym bag + modesty shorts + green crested shorts or gym leggings + white crested shirt or House shirt + blue swim bag (Grades 3 & 4 only) optional: Havergal fleece track pants and Havergal hoodie #1 Dress (worn every Thursday; on special occasions and may be worn any day) ● kilt + long sleeve shirt + tie + black modesty shorts + green knee socks or green tights + black lace‑up Oxfords All other days any combination of: ● short or long sleeve golf shirt or turtleneck or dress shirt with tie + summer skirt or dress pants or tunic optional: green sweater or green ¼ zip (not to be worn with tunic) Grades 5 and 6
Physical Education ● green gym bag + green crested shorts or gym leggings + white crested shirt or House shirt optional: Havergal fleece track pant, Havergal athletic ¼ zip, Havergal hoodie
Grade 6 Hoodies ● Grade 6 students are permitted to wear their hoodies on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Hoodies cannot be worn on Thursdays (#1 Dress day) or any other Special #1 Dress days.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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