Family Handbook 2018-19
A Prefect is a Grade 12 student elected by faculty, staff and students in the Upper School to serve as a school leader in her graduating year.
The Upper School is home to two outdoor square areas, including the Labatt Quad, which is completely enclosed and is used as an extension of the Temerty Commons. The South Quad is the garden area on the south side of the Upper School building between the Athletic Centre and Avenue Road.
Reta Weston Library Resource Centre
The Reta Weston Library Resource Centre is located in the Upper School and provides programs and services for students, faculty and staff. The collection includes both print and non‑print materials, including electronic resources. These reflect school curricula as well as recreational reading. The automated Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) provides computer searches of our library collection. Students receive instruction on library skills and research methods. Virtually all resources may be borrowed with the exception of current issues of magazines and newspapers, which must be used within the library.
School Captain
The School Captain, Havergal’s senior student leader, is elected by students, faculty and staff in the Upper School and represents the entire student body.
South House
Situated behind the Principal’s Residence, the Offices of Advancement & Community Relations and Communications & Marketing are located in South House.
A Stoneager is the name given to an Old Girl who graduated 60 years ago or more.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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