Family Handbook 2018-19
Day School Office (DSO, Grades 7–12)
The DSO is located in the Upper School in C11, near the Reta Weston Library Resource Centre. The DSO is the administrative centre for student attendance of the Upper School and is where parents should phone should their daughter be absent. It is also where students sign in if they are late and sign out for appointments. The DSO can be reached at 416.482.4723 or . Hours are Monday to Friday, 7:30 am to 4 pm.
Dons are Boarding School staff members who live in the Boarding School and who look after a “family” of up to 15 Boarding students, including Exchange students living in the Boarding School. They may also have teaching assignments and/or have other supervisory duties in the Day School.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Young Canadians Challenge, is a prestigious nationwide program that rewards all‑round achievement by providing a balanced range of co‑curricular activities for students 14 to 25 years of age. A student may participate at one of three levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver or Gold, each of which has a minimum age requirement. While Havergal College offers to help facilitate the program administratively, the onus is on students themselves to move through the stages and activities of this independent, student‑driven program. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award program is administered by the Forum for Change.
Ellen Knox
The First Principal of Havergal College, Ellen Knox came from Cheltenham Ladies’ College in England in 1894 at the age of 36. Her work set the school on a firm foundation and her wisdom, values and vision for Havergal and its students continue to guide the school today.
Ellen Knox Library (EK)
The reception room located off the entrance of the Upper School, the Ellen Knox Library was originally established by the Old Girls as a library for the Upper School in memory of Havergal’s First Principal, Ellen Knox. It was transformed into a reception room by the Old Girls when the 1979 extension, housing the Reta Weston Library Resource Centre, was built.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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