Family Handbook 2018-19
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
Bring Your Own Device is an approach to technology in which all students have access to and use their own personally‑selected and purchased computing devices rather than using school owned devices. For more information, visit .
A Cinquantenaire is the name given to an Old Girl who graduated 50 to 59 years ago.
Chapel of St. Cecilia
The Havergal Chapel is located on the B Level in the Upper School and is used for quiet reflection and Anglican services. Communion is an optional offering and is celebrated monthly. Special services for Advent, Ash Wednesday and Holy Week are also held in this space. The school Chaplains extend a warm invitation to all to come in for conversation or pastoral care.
Class Rep
A Class Rep is an Old Girl who represents her graduating class by keeping in touch with as many other Old Girls from her year as possible. This group of women helps to organize reunions and prepares news of classmates for publication in the Chronicle , the annual publication of the Old Girls.
Students have initiated clubs in response to the various interests and ideas expressed by our student body. Students who are interested in starting a club or an action initiative should contact the Dean of Senior School Students or the Head of Middle School. Most groups meet on alternate Tuesdays during lunch or, when appropriate, after school or at an alternative designated time. ● Middle School clubs offer half‑year opportunities and students are required to join two clubs over the course of the school year. ● Senior School students are encouraged to find co‑curricular involvement through the many clubs and activities offered during the year
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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