Family Handbook 2018-19
Parents and the Grade 9 to 12 student (and her guest when hosting at Havergal College) who wish to participate in a COSSOT dance must agree to adhere to the COSSOT Dance Protocol and work cooperatively with all COSSOT schools to ensure a safe and secure dance event for everyone.
Dance Protocol for All COSSOT Schools:
1. Tickets will be sold in advance and not at the door. Each school selling tickets for a dance will: a. fax or email a list of students who have bought tickets to the host school no later than 3 pm on the day of the dance; b. have students arriving at the dance sign in on the sheet sent in by their school and be prepared to show photo ID, if required. 2. Dances will begin between 7:30 and 8 pm and end no later than 11:30 pm. 3. Doors will close by 9 pm and any promotional material, including tickets, must indicate clearly the time the doors will close. 4. Students who leave the building in which the dance is held may not re‑enter (school grounds are considered part of the building). 5. Every COSSOT school has a strict policy that no drugs or alcohol may be brought into the school. All attendees must observe the provincial law that there is no smoking in any public place. 6. Entry may be subject to a search of person and belongings and all contraband will be confiscated. All bags, purses and coats are to be handed in at the coat check. 7. Appropriate dress must be worn. If a student’s clothing is deemed to be inappropriate by the host school, he or she will be asked to cover up or leave 8. The host school must provide adequate security and faculty supervision.
When Havergal Hosts a Dance:
1. Students must enter through the main entrance (the Rotunda); 2. Students are not permitted to wander throughout the school building, which includes being restricted from going to their lockers (barriers are set up to restrict access); 3. Refreshments for students are limited to the Rotunda and/or the Brenda Robson Hall; and 4. Students are responsible for their registered guests.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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