Family Handbook 2018-19
Informing Students of Selection Results Assessment is ongoing throughout tryouts. Results of skill assessment will be shared with students as a means of feedback on a continuing basis. Students will be encouraged to improve and meet team standards by the final tryout. Before the first practice (or game), the final selection/team list will be posted. Whenever possible, the coach will speak with a student personally if she has not been selected during the team selection process. If a student is not selected for a team, the coach or Athletic Department will recommend another team that can accommodate larger numbers (e.g., cross‑country running, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, track & field and/or skill development opportunities). These opportunities may include clubs, intramurals, community/club sport programs and sport camps. It is also important to remember that students not selected for a competitive team will still receive opportunities for skill development through the Health & Physical Education program. Practices and Competitions Schedules are established in advance of the season, although changes may be expected due to weather and other factors. ● Practices and tryouts may be scheduled for any day of the week before or after school. ● Games and tournaments/meets may be on any day, including Saturdays and Sundays. Athletic Fees An athletic fee will be charged to help cover the escalating costs of entry fees, transportation, awards, equipment, uniforms, referees, outside coaches, facility rentals and other costs that are incurred by the department. Athletic fees range from $50 to $200 per season. Student accounts will be charged for athletics at the end of each sport season. If a student is provided with a uniform that they do not return, they will be charged for the replacement cost of that uniform. Students who qualify for OFSAA championships will be charged accordingly. Additional fees apply for some sports and students will be charged for required competition uniform pieces (e.g., swimsuit, rowing unisuit, etc.). A Havergal team sweatshirt is part of the athletics uniform. This will be provided to students when they make their first school team for the 2018‑19 school year. This sweatshirt is to be worn when travelling to and from games and meets and will be charged to the student’s account.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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