Family Handbook 2018-19
Parents and spectators are expected to: 1. assist student‑athletes by helping them to meet their expectations; 2. contribute positively to the athletic experience by demonstrating the utmost respect for coaches, officials, athletes and opponents;
3. instill a spirit of fair play and sportsmanship in their children; and 4. make sure the coaches know if their child has been injured.
Competitive Athletics Program Structures, Processes and Guidelines Havergal teams are available to students in Grades 5* to 12 and compete in CISAA. Senior School teams may qualify for the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Association (OFSAA) championships. Havergal College fields more than 75 teams over the school year.
*Grade 4 students have the opportunity to participate on both the Cross Country and Track & Field Teams.
Age Restrictions for Competitive Teams Teams are divided into separate age groups by birth date with December 31 being the cut off point. A student is eligible to try out and play for a team in her age group. Upon invitation by the Athletic Director, a student may be eligible to try out and play for a team in a higher age group. The student must remain on that team for that particular sport for the balance of the season once she plays in a league or exhibition game for that sport. Guidelines for Team Tryouts and Selection Each candidate must attend all tryouts or be proactive in communicating with the coach regarding missed tryouts. Students trying out for more than one team must maintain open communication with all coaches regarding their interest and priority. Participants are expected to be prepared (in uniform), punctual and committed to modelling the expectations for student‑athletes. When selecting athletes, the coach(es) will consider the following: 1. safety (appropriate amount of supervision–student/teacher ratio); 2. skill level; 3. sport‑specific fitness level; 4. attitude: demonstration of a positive attitude during tryouts, a willingness to learn new skills and good sportsmanship; and 5. completion of the Havergal schedule commitment form.
Final team selection will be approved and supported by the Athletic Director.
Last Updated August 17, 2018 Havergal College Family Handbook 2018–19
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