Family Handbook 2017-18
Please note that if your daughter is par cipa ng in clubs or athle cs, they will have a later dismissal me (4:45 ‐ 5 pm). In this case, parents are asked to wait in the foyer to collect their daughter.
Gator Care Procedures Contact informa on:
Before School Gator Care ● Before School Gator Care Program begins at 7:15 am and supports parents whose schedules require them to drop off their children at school before 8 am, as well as to accommodate siblings of girls who are involved in early morning ac vi es. ● There is no charge for Before School Gator Care. ● If a student has a sister who has an athle cs prac ce prior to 7:15 am, she is to accompany her sister to the prac ce un l Gator Care opens. A er School Gator Care ● The A er School Gator Care Program operates each day from 3:15 to 6 pm. ● Supervision cannot be provided on school holidays (refer to the Parent Portal for school holidays and half‐day holiday dates). ● The A er School Gator Care Program format is flexible and responsive to the needs of the students. It allows for the following:
○ a healthy and nutri ous snack; ○ unstructured, supervised play;
○ organized ac vi es by Gator Care Staff (e.g., cra s, games, etc.); and ○ a quiet area where students are able to complete homework assignments.
A er School Gator Care Billing Rates ● The cost for the Gator Care service is $15 an hour. ● Billing occurs in 15‐minute increments. ● Late Fees a er 6 pm: $25 flat fee (this is in addi on to the regular fee). A er School Gator Care Registra on
● Parents must register their children for the A er‐School Gator Care Program, by email or by phone. This is a ma er of safety as the school MUST know where the child is supposed to be.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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