Family Handbook 2017-18
The Junior School Day
The school operates on an eight‐day cycle, which is aligned with the Upper School for metabling purposes so that facili es can be shared.
JK–Grade 2: Classes starts at 8:20 am and ends at 3:15 pm Grades 1 to 6: Classes starts at 8:20 am and ends at 3:30 pm
Morning Drop off and Pick Up Parents are asked to drop their daughter(s) off at the designated curbside area at the Junior School. If your daughter arrives prior to 8 am she must go directly to the Before School Gator Care Program. A er School Procedures Students are not permi ed to change out of their school uniform, before leaving the school. To facilitate pick‐up, there is a staggered dismissal process. The safe dismissal and/or pick‐up of our JS students is a priority and can be challenging due to many factors, such as conges on and weather. The dismissal process involves numerous faculty members, both inside and outside the building, dedicated to assis ng the girls into their winter/outdoor gear, helping to pack up personal items and ge ng them ready to go. Students Not Ge ng Picked‐Up Students who walk home, take public transit or leave the school with another vendor (taxi, car service or Uber) must have wri en permission from their parents. In some instances, pick‐up plans unexpectedly change and students can 'sign‐out' in the Junior School Office when a parent/guardian has called the school to authorize the student leaving in this way. Students going home with another student must have permission in advance from a parent and the teacher must also be informed. Students are not permi ed to use the school telephone to arrange play dates. ● 3:15 pm–3:30 pm (JK–Grade 2) ● 3:30 pm–3:45 pm (Grade 3–Grade 6)
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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