Family Handbook 2017-18
shoes are allowed, nor are boots, boot‐like shoes, ballet slippers or shoes with raised heels.
Shoes should be purchased at one of the vendors noted below: ● Olly Shoes: 2600 Yonge St. (10% discount to Havergal students and 10% of total annual sales is given back to Havergal) ● Bio Ped: 660 Eglinton Ave. East (10% discount to Havergal students)
● Sloan's Shoes: 3455 Yonge St. ● Tajo Shoes: 1723 Bayview Ave
Daily Uniform Expecta ons At all mes, the uniform is to be worn correctly and must be clean and dy. Shirts are to be tucked in and shoes polished. Kilts must be hemmed to an appropriate and respec ul length (9 cm above the knee) and socks must be pulled up. Shoes must be ed. Non‐uniform items may not be worn in the school during school hours.
Any student who is off campus during the school day and is in school uniform is considered an ambassador of Havergal College and should conduct herself accordingly.
#1 Dress # 1 Dress is the formal dress uniform that is by all students on Thursdays, which is normally a day on which Prayers and on special occasions. Students are expected to be in #1 Dress throughout the en re school day.
Junior School Uniform (JK–Grade 6) #1 Dress JK to Grade 4: ● tunic ● long sleeve/short sleeve dress shirt ● e
● black or green modesty shorts ● green knee socks / green ghts
● black velcro shoes / black lace‐up Oxfords ● Concert Dress: long sleeve dress shirt, e, tunic
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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